Monday, February 1, 2010

Off to a great start!

So for a little while, the church here in Kathmandu has given us an apartment to stay in and helped us look for our own “flat” ( ah, the breadth of british imperialism =) ). This is a picture of some of the street boys and girls from remote villages the church has offered an opportunity to come here and live and go to school. It's pretty neat to see how they invest so much in a few. I'm also excited to let you all know we had our first big concern met with the business visa application process which was opening up a nepali bank account. I was quite impressed with the bank we were recommended and that they even did provide insurance akin to the US' FDIC, but was told that two things we would have trouble with when trying to open an account would be (1) having a co-signer of the account and (2) provide a proof of address. I can attest today, though, that God was in the details on this one. When they asked about having a co-signer I said that I would rather not and after a manager was brought over, they agreed to this. The big one was the verified address, because they never even asked for it. I could see the requirement right there on the documentation but it never came up. This could have been a huge problem because we won't be able to verify our address until we get our own place, then get utilities, then get a bill that has our name on it, which would push back even being able to start our application.
We also have two scheduled meetings with real estate agents to walk us through some flats today so please be praying for us to find the right place to be living the next few months. Your neighborhood is your community and it's an extremely important factor of your day to day life. For example, if you don't get to know your mailman and, more importantly, that he knows you; you won't get your mail. So we're hoping to find the right place and a big requirement I have is to not be in a place without heavy traffic or near a road with a sharp curve (because EVERYONE honks their horn before going around the curve).
So next up is finding a place to live, getting the wire transfer to our bank, and then sitting down with the legal team to finalize our applications for the business. Thank you for all the prayers out there!
P.S. The church's Internet has been down this week so we have to go to a coffee shop midday to get Internet which hasn't let us do any Skyping yet, but soon to come.


  1. Looking forward to skyping with you guys!:)

  2. Just wanted to let you guys know that you are now on my Google Reader :-). I'll be praying for you!

  3. Good to hear that things are going well so far! Dad is so good!

  4. Whenever Melissa and I are that way, we'll look you up. hehe
