Friday, February 5, 2010

Cooking and a Math Date

Tom and I have been trying to see how we can help out with the kids here in as natural a way as possible. The pastors have suggested we just spend time with them and just see how we can be an encouragement. I agree that it a good idea, but what does that look like? Tom has been spending quite a bit of time with the boys. There are about 10 of them. There are a few girls now as well (about 3, maybe 4?) but they are a little shy. I get as far as “Jaimasi” (a greeting among Christians in Nepal, means “Glory to God” … I think) and the girls giggle, look at me with eager expressions, but then are overcome and take off. I may have to resort to nail polish or braiding hair (sigh). So, the other day Tom was talking to Nabin and found out that their big exams are in one month. This is the exam that will determine if he goes from the 7th grade to the 8th grade. Apparently he is doing fine in everything, but math. So, Tom set up a time to try and help him out. They had their first math date yesterday at 4 pm. The power was off so they met outside their rooms on the tables that they have dinner on. I was preparing dinner myself so I brought the vegetables outside to peel and chop. The rest of the boys came out to watch me cut vegetables. They were amazed that I was cooking "curry." I was making dal, rice and aloo methi (potatoes with a bitter herb). Apparantely the other westerners that stay here stick with either eating out or cooking pasta or something like that. One of the boys came back into the house to help us get some more purified water set up and he stayed the entire time I was cooking with occasional bursts of "wow" and "I can't believe." It was nice until he was mildly horrified at how much turmeric I was using (about 1 teaspoon) and claimed that I could get typhoid from it. What?! Um, no. Anyway, we've learned to take some of their "concerns" for us with a grain of salt. But, it's nice to have these moments regardless.

Today, I was able to get a little more from the girls. I took my camera out and just showed them the photos of people on there already. They are fascinated with family photos. Then I took a few photos of them. What pretty girl doesn't like having their photo taken? Later they were singing together and they wanted me to teach them some English songs with "actions." The only song I could think of was "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty" which I taught them. The other song I could think of was the "God's Army" song which I decided was not a very appropriate song here … I could use some more ideas. They especially like songs with dancing.


  1. Love hearing these daily, seemingly ordinary exchanges. This is rich with observation and curiosity. Thanks for letting me "enter into" your world.

  2. The song big big house is a good one with motions and lean on me. I'll try to think of some more. I love hearing about your daily adventures so keep them coming!:) Love and miss you guys

  3. wanted to find your blog to keep up with you guys, thanks for putting on your fb page - so easy to find, praying for you

  4. How about the song "Father Abraham?"

    You can change up the actions too.

  5. There's always "Rise, Shine and Give God the Glory Glory".

  6. Oh, and "If I Were a Butterfly"

  7. I thought of another one! "Peace Like a River"
