Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And We're Off!

It kind of feels like we've finally taken off the training wheels when learning to ride a bike, but I also have of feeling of “finally.” We've been talking and planning for this for so long that it's a relief to move beyond just talking theoretically about it and to get moving.

Also, we've been greatly blessed over the past few weeks of friends and family giving us such warm send-offs and prayers, so thank you all who have been our encouragement through them.

We're hoping to post to the blog once or twice a week when we hit the ground so stay tuned!

Some prayer requests:

- Searching for an apartment for the next few months
- Finishing application to submit to Nepali government
- Reconnecting with people from the Himalayan Vineyard church
- Setting up local banking, phone, internet, heat, and water